Viva @ GDPU: how is it pushing on?


Learning music production at the Viva@GDPU studio

How is the revolutionary new music programme, Viva@GDPU, pushing on at Gulu Disabled Persons Union, Northern Uganda? How is the training of young people with disabilities, in music making and production, proceeding?

Up and running

Well, the studio is up and running, the studio equipment has been bought and installed successfully. 9 out of the 10 trainees reported for the music programme, good going for this context and we have hopes that the 10th will get there one day.

Singing training in the Viva@GDPU studio

Many songs have been written and recorded, all about social change; music for advocacy.

New software please

In fact it is going so well, the basic software programme they are using is not enough, trainees need something more sophisticated. Andy Corrigan at Viva la Visa, the sponsors of Viva@GDPU, has agreed that trainees should be more ambitious. In future, alongside the freeware programmes (‘FL Studio’) that local musicians and studios use, trainees will work with software that is common in professional studios and the West; ‘Logic Pro’ mostly. This also means that recordings made in Gulu can be mixed elsewhere if need be.

Kama Boo by Abramz

Local instruments

The team in Gulu have realised the importance of local instruments, (traditional ones like: thumb pianos, xylophones, flutes, drums etc) mixed with synthesizers, guitars and keyboards to give the unique ‘Viva’ sound. Viva la Visa have also agreed to pay for another instructor to teach local instruments.

Learning to play traditional instruments

Open mic

Alongside training and time to write their own songs, the trainees have an open mic session on Friday afternoons when they perform their new songs to a critical audience; their peers.

Friday afternoon open mic session: a brief glimpse

New songs?

A total of 18 songs have been produced so far, a small selection included here. The accompanying videos are on their way.

Yesu En Ceng by Nelson P

Viva trainees have presented their music to the community on Radio Speak FM in Gulu, they had good feedback from the community, many people are interested in what they are doing.

Kwan Ber by Brian Ug

And a gig too!

Visitors from NAD (Norwegian Association of Disabled and National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda) were impressed with the VIVA project and asked the trainees to produce a song about NUDIPU (National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda) which they presented at the national celebration: NUDIPU@36 on November 14th. National recognition.

If you would like to know more about the ETC of PWD charity that manages the Viva@GDPU programme please go to our Home page.

If you would like to give something, please go to our Donate page.

If you would like to know more about Viva la Visa, the sponsors for this programme, please go to their website.

If you would like to know more about Gulu Disabled Persons Union (GDPU) please go to their website or Facebook page. 

Many Thanks.